The Leila Walker Gregory Papers (1920-1979) consists of newspaper clippings and handwritten notes regarding the murder of Reed Walker, Leila's second husband who was Chief Building Inspector for Las Vegas, Nevada. Included are also notes and Mormon genealogy information on Leila and her third husband, Arthur Gregory, Gregory's diplomas, and correspondence.
Archival Collection
The Ernest Clary Papers on Basic Magnesium, Inc. Engineering Plans (1941-1944) contain an essay written by Clary formalizing the engineering process in building Basic Magnesium, Inc. (BMI). Also included are maps of the area around the plant and site maps of the main BMI structures.
Archival Collection
Series II. Folies-Bergere production papers, designs, and photographs -- 17th Edition: The Best of the Folies-Bergere -- 2001 costume revisions: costume design drawings, photographs of costume pieces, correspondence, and notes -- La Vedette
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