Exterior elevations for the concert hall and drama theater on the University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus, including a connecting courtyard. These buildings would become the Artemus W. Ham Concert Hall and the Judy Bayley Theatre. Sheet 6 of 35. "Drawn by G.T. Checked by K.D. Job number 6828. Scale 1/16" = 1'-0". Date Nov. 5, 1969"
Site Name: University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Address: 4505 S. Maryland Parkway
From the UNLV University Libraries Photographs of the Development of the Las Vegas Valley, Nevada (PH-00394). Part of the collection documents the entire 19 mile length of the north/south Eastern Avenue / Civic Center Drive alignment. This photograph was captured in the section of Civic Center Drive between Las Vegas Boulevard and Lake Mead Boulevard.
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Label on back: KNPR Public Radio Presentation to City Commission, July 21, 1982; Left to right: Commissioner Roy Woofter, Commissioner Ron Lurie, Mayor Bill Briare, Lamar Marchese (KNPR), Commissioner Al Levy and Commissioner Paul Christensen