Archival Component
Archival Component
Archival Component
From the Sister Klaryta Antoszewska Photograph Collection (PH-00352). The presentation slide reads, "Total announced tests and radiation measured off the test range complex. Total above-ground tests = 126. Total sub0surface tests = 413. Total tests = 539. Number measured off the test range complex of above-ground tests = 89. Number measured off the test range complex of sub-surface tests = 40. Total number measured off the test range complex = 129."
Collection is comprised of annual budgets, financial statements, and auditor's reports dating from 1976 to 1989 created for the city of Boulder City, Nevada and adopted by the City Council.
Archival Collection
The Showboat Atlantic City Photograph Collection (1986) contains black-and-white and color photographic prints and conceptual sketches of the Showboat Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The photographs depict casino patrons in various locations throughout the Showboat, and the sketches show exterior and interior designs.
Archival Collection