John Batchelor posing with others in Boulder City, Nevada. The caption provided with the image reads: "Mayor John Batchelor of Boulder City (center) expresses Boulder City's hopes for Proton Accelerator for Eldorado Valley to Dr. Rodney L. Cool, Associated Director, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Herbert E. Grier, President, Southern Nevada Industrial Foundation, who recently visited the proposed sites adjacent to Boulder City for the benefit of the Atomic Energy Commission. Mayor Batchelor and Boulder City delegation accompanied the team of five and officials of Southern Nevada Industrial Foundation, E.G. & G. and other agencies seeking placing of the $300 million project in this area. This picture was taken at the proposed site in Eldorado Valley just before the five experts boarded the plane with Pat Head of the Colorado River Commission to complete their reconnaissance."
The grayscale, panoramic view of the area where the construction site of Boulder City was. A train and railroad tracks can be seen in the distant, rocky background.
A group of unidentified individuals sitting and relaxing, probably at Lake Mead Lodge. Site Name: Lake Mead Lodge (Boulder City, Nev.) Street Address: 322 Lakeshore Road