Photograph of Willie McGonagill in his general store in Tonopah, Nevada. Willie is the father of Irma McGonagill. He went broke because he gave too much credit to the miners.
Transcribed from the picture, "Shoshone - 2. Shoshone man of the Elko Colony with traditional paint and feathers. Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada. Courtesy of Nevada Historical Society."
Transcribed from photograph, "Washo - 2. Two Washo basketmakers. Washo baskets were highly prized for their excellence. Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada. Courtesy of Stella Nevers."
Transcribed from photograph, "Washo - 3. Washo couple showing one of the large trout which were once plentiful at Lake Tahoe. Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada. Courtesy of Winona James."