City of Las Vegas, Nevada general plan, draft copy.
From the introduction: "This is a document of policies. These policies are in the form of recommendations to the City of Las Vegas for planning policies in the areas of: Population and Economic Development, Land Use, Housing, Community Facilities, Conservation, Transportation, Parks and Recreation, Visual Environment, Implementation."
From the Clark County Economic Opportunity Board Records -- Series I. Administrative. This folder contains memos, agendas and minutes from meetings of the Clark County Economic Opportunity Board from January 1968 through June 1968.
From Margaret Kelly Collection on the Bluebell Girls, MS-00604. The scrapbook includes newspaper and magazine clippings covering Kelly's work at the Folies-Bergère and Lido de Paris, Paris, France, and her long career as creator and manager of the world famous Bluebell Girls.
Mixed Content
A classified business and residence directory, containing short history of Goldfield and the State of Nevada a list of business interests, mining, commercial etc., etc., statistics, and other valuable information for the public