Oral history interview with George E. Franklin conducted by Linda Arnone on March 09, 1981 for the Ralph Roske Oral History Project on Early Las Vegas. Franklin discusses his career as an early Las Vegas, Nevada lawyer.
Archival Collection
Oral history interview with Helen Morelli conducted by Jerry Masini on March 06, 1976 for the Ralph Roske Oral History Project on Early Las Vegas. Morelli discusses Las Vegas, Nevada history, concerts at the Cashman stadium, and the Desert Inn.
Archival Collection
Oral history interview with Herb Knauss conducted by James Greene on September 29, 1974 for the Ralph Roske Oral History Project on Early Las Vegas. Knausse discusses Camp Wilson in Boulder City, Nevada.
Archival Collection
Oral history interview with Clifford A. Lorenz conducted by Stephen B. Tomiak on March 11, 1981 for the Ralph Roske Oral History Project on Early Las Vegas. In this interview, Lorenz talks about the history of early Las Vegas, Nevada. He specifically talks about the construction of downtown hotels, tourism, the entertainment industry, and the reputation of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Archival Collection
Oral history interview with Joe Lappin conducted by Gordon Brusso on March 04, 1976 for the Ralph Roske Oral History Project on Early Las Vegas. The two discuss his early occupational history and his work for the Bureau of Mines. Lappin then goes on to explain the different housing systems that developed in Boulder City during World War Two.
Archival Collection
Oral history interview with Eva D. Peterson conducted by James Greene on November 30, 1974 for the Ralph Roske Oral History Project on Early Las Vegas. In this interview, Peterson discusses her life in Nelson, Nevada. Peterson talks about her family life and describes her career as an educator. Finally, Nelson mentions moving to other cities in Nevada such as Searchlight, Las Vegas, and Boulder City.
Archival Collection
Oral history interview with Vince Hart conducted by Andrew Bannister on February 21, 1980 for the Ralph Roske Oral History Project on Early Las Vegas. Vincent “Vince” Hart (born on July 7, 1945 in Jerusalem, Palestine) is interviewed in Hart’s office about his experience with youth soccer, both as a coach and as a player. Hart discusses his family background and his residential history in the United Kingdom and the United States before explaining the development of the men’s soccer team at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He describes his impact on the program and his hopes for future student athletes. The two then delve into a discussion of the fundamentals of soccer and different strategies that are commonly used. They then conclude with a brief description of Vince’s experiences with meeting a variety of professional soccer players at the Las Vegas Stadium.
Archival Collection
Oral history interview with Sanje Sedera conducted by Kristel Peralta, Cecilia Winchell, Ayrton Yamaguchi, and Stefani Evans on April 16, 2021 for Reflections: The Las Vegas Asian American and Pacific Islander Oral History Project.
Sanje Sedera discusses growing up in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, with his family. He shares his educational history, moving from Sri Lanka to Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia as a high schooler to learn English before immigrating to the United States to attend Idaho State University. Sedera discusses the political unrest and civil war that took place in Sri Lanka between the Tamil and Sinhalese people, and how he grew to appreciate political activism instilled in him by his paternal grandparents. Sedera shares his employment history working as a manager for K-Mart, an opportunity that brought him to Las Vegas, as well as his entrepreneurial pursuits of owning a mortgage business and becoming a realtor. He talks about the financial crisis of 2008 that led to losing his business, his attempts to run for public office, and how he helped to form Nevada's Asian American Democratic Caucus. Sedera concludes with a discussion of his Buddhist practice and how these philosophies have shaped his life.
Archival Collection
Oral history interview with Gloria Marc conducted by Sherri Beryl Marc on March 08, 1981 for the Ralph Roske Oral History Project on Early Las Vegas. Marc discusses her impressions of Las Vegas, Nevada when arriving in 1959. Marc also discusses her personal history, Lake Mead, and recreational activities in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Archival Collection
Oral history interview with Ralph E. Donerly conducted by Patricia van Betten on June 30, 2006 for the History of Blue Diamond Village in Nevada Oral History Project. In this interview, Donerly, born in New Jersey, discusses his evolution as a musician. He spent his youth learning from prominent musicians in New Jersey and New York, until he moved to Los Angeles, California in his twenties. Eventually, Donerly moved to Blue Diamond, Nevada along with his mother and wife in order to pursue a musical career with big bands that performed at Las Vegas, Nevada hotels and casinos.
Archival Collection