Scale [ca. 1:15,840,000. 1 inch to approx. 250 miles] (W 167°- -W27°/N 85°--N 10°) ; 1 map : hand col. ; 53 x 40 cm ; Hand colored ; Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington, D.C. ; Includes mail routes and proposed railroad routes; Has decorative border ; Plates 15 and 16 from Johnson's new illustrated family atlas of the world ; Partial geographical index on verso ; Alternate title: North America Johnson and Ward
At head of title: 'North America, sheet XV.' 'Published under the superintendence of the Society for Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.' At bottom center of map:'London, Charles Knight, Jany. 1st, 1852.' At bottom right of map: ' J. & C. Walker Sculpt.' Scale [1:7,500,000] 1 degree to 68.89 English miles (W 125°--W 92°/N 43°30?--N 22°30?). Relief shown by hachures. Atlas page number in lower margin: 144. Boundaries hand colored. Includes notes, locations of Indian tribes, population statistics. Charles Knight.
84 x 43 cm. "Map no. 423-300-59." Insets: [Salton Sea]--Operational diagram, no scale. Includes index to gaging stations. Shows dams, canals, levees, pumping plants, etc. "Map compiled from Coast and Geodetic Survey sectional aeronautical charts, and Bureau of Reclamation data." Original publisher: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation.
83 x 43 cm. "Drawing no. 423-300-59." "May 1957." "Supercedes 423-306-183." "Map compiled from Coast and Geodetic Survey sectional aeronautical charts, and Bureau of Reclamation data." Includes index to gaging stations. Shows dams, canals, levees, pumping plants, etc. Insets: [Salton Sea]--Operational diagram, no scale. "Revised June 1967." Original publisher: Bureau of Reclamation, Region 3.
52 x 46 cm. "Map no. 23000." Shows reservoir sites, irrigated areas, power plants, power sites, dam sites, national parks or monuments, and diversion from basin. Colorado River Basin/Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation; John H. Pellen, chief draftsman. Original publisher: United States. Bureau of Reclamation.
Scale [ca. 1:144,000. 1 in. to approx. 12,000 ft.] ; 1 map : col. ; 51 x 91 cm ; Relief shown by contours and spot heights ; "Map no. 23800" ; Includes township and range grid ; Includes two profile diagrams, area and capacity curve diagram, Topography of Black Canyon and vicinity map and Colorado River basin map. Inset maps of Black Canyon and vicinity and Colorado River Basin. Inset charts of Boulder Canyon Reservoir Area and Capacity Curves; and, Profile of Colorado River from Bridge Canyon Dam Site, Arizona to Black Canyon Dam Site, Arizona-Nevada. Bureau of Reclamation.