In 1961, at the age of thirteen, Gerald “Jerry” Gordon became a bar mitzvah. This typical coming of age celebration was unusual in that he had simultaneously studied in both his home state of California and his adopted home of Las Vegas, where he spent summers with his grandparents. 1961 is also the same year that the Gordons made Las Vegas their permanent home.
The Bulletin, monthly newsletters from Temple Beth Sholom, 1999, include columns by the Rabbi and President, religious school news, announcements and calendars, event photographs, and advertisements.
The Bulletin, monthly newsletters from Temple Beth Sholom, 2006, include columns by the Rabbi and President, religious school news, announcements and calendars, event photographs, and advertisements.
The Bulletin, monthly newsletters from Temple Beth Sholom, 2005, include columns by the Rabbi and President, religious school news, announcements and calendars, event photographs, and advertisements.
This study was conducted in 1995 when an "estimated 55,600 Jews live[d] in 29,100 Jewish households in the Las Vegas area. An additional 11,200 plus non-Jewish persons live[d] in these households, for a total of 66,900 people living in Jewish Las Vegas households."
Correspondence and ephemera from Edythe and Lloyd Katz's involvement in the Jewish community and Holocaust education, 1967-2001. Letters include discussion of Ralph Englestad and Imperial Palace Hotel.
The monthly newsletters from Congregation Ner Tamid from 2000, include columns by the Rabbi and President, school news, event announcements, tributes and yahrzeits.