Water clarifier tank at the gravel plant by the Colorado River for Hoover Dam construction.
Transcribed Notes: Handwritten on back: [1038], 3-19-32; Notes on photo sleeve: Water clarifier tank at the gravel plant. The water is pumped from the river two miles away and is distilled in this tank. March 19, 1932.
Ribbon cutting to Hoover Dam Snackateria by Bureau of Reclamation, Boulder City, Nevada. People in the photograph are unidentified. The man cutting the ribbon is blind. Inscription with photo reads: "Cutting the ribbon at Boulder Dam of the opening of the Blind Snack. The plaque over the Fountain has the names of the members who worked for several years to untangle the red tape of hte government to give a blind family a self-supporting job." [Identified by Dorothy Dorothy 11-1-84] Site Name: Snackateria