The Bill Moore Professional Papers are comprised of documents, designs, and promotional materials of show producer Bill Moore from 1950 to 2010. From the 1960s until the late 2000s, Moore and his partner George Arnold produced a variety of stage shows, from musicals and revues to his famous "on ice" productions like Nudes on Ice and Playgirls on Ice. Materials include three-dimensional set designs, photographic prints, financial records, promotional posters, and audio and video recordings of shows at casinos in Las Vegas, Laughlin, and Reno, Nevada, and Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Archival Collection
Materials include photographs, programs, newspaper and magazine clippings, and collages of Valerie Chapman Eliot's time as a Bluebell girl in the Lido de Paris in France, Argentina, and Las Vegas, Nevada from 1954 to 1970s. Also included are photographs of her time as dancer in the show "Hello America" at the Desert Inn Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada in the mid-1960s.
Archival Collection
The Shelley Berkley Papers (1987-2012) consist primarily of correspondence and other documents pertaining to Shelley Berkley's tenure as United States Representative for Nevada 1st congressional district. Topics include nuclear waste storage at Yucca Mountain, education, women's rights, health care, foreign affairs, veterans, economics, and homeland security. The collection also includes photographs, interviews, and awards. Shelley Berkley served as a member of Congress between 1999 and 2013.
Archival Collection
The American Red Cross Southern Nevada Chapter Records (1917-2015) include business records, legal and property documents, scrapbooks, photographs, awards and event programs. Also included is documentation of training events in Southern Nevada and disaster relief efforts throughout the country.
Archival Collection
The Southern Nevada Telephone Company Collection documents the history of the company from 1957 to 1966. The collection includes photographs and internal publications that illustrate the company's growth and role in Las Vegas' history. It also contains a photocopy of A History of the Southern Nevada Telephone Company, 1907-1961.
Archival Collection
The Jewish Nevada Records document the organization's philanthropic activities in Las Vegas, Nevada from 1978 to 2018. The majority of the collection represents the organization's activities under the name the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. The collection includes administrative files, annual reports, marketing materials, donation records, video recordings of interviews and events, and audio recordings of board meetings. The collection also includes photographic prints and negatives of events hosted by Jewish Nevada.
Archival Collection
The Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Yucca Mountain, Nevada collection (1957-2010) is an information docket established by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The collection contains documents supporting the development of regulatory decisions by the EPA on radiation protection standards for Yucca Mountain, Nevada, evaluating it as a potential site for a radioactive waste storage repository. The collection includes regulatory notices, technical documents, environmental reports, letters, minutes of meetings, public comments, and other materials.
Archival Collection
The Margaret Kelly Collection on the Bluebell Girls (1935-1997) includes personal scrapbooks created by Margaret Kelly, programs from international shows featuring the Bluebell Girls dance troupe, and photographs of the Bluebell Girls. The scrapbooks include newspaper clippings covering Kelly's work at the Folies-Bergère and Lido de Paris, Paris, France, and her long career as creator and manager of the world famous Bluebell Girls. Also included are materials from 1958 about the Bluebell Girls shows in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Archival Collection
"The Art of Las Vegas Hard Core" Collection of Punk Rock Fliers and Photographs (1980-2013) includes fliers and photographs that document the Las Vegas, Nevada punk rock scene in the 1980s. The collection contains photocopied fliers from bands such as The Ramones, The Germs, Misfits, Meat Puppets, Wasted Youth, Black Flag, FSP, TSOL, Circle Jerks, Shattered Faith, Agent Orange, Self Abuse, Bad Attitude, and many others. The collection also contains digital images and scans of fliers of a slideshow of punk bands that played in Las Vegas in 1984.
Archival Collection
The Robert Beckmann Professional Papers (approximately 1964-2020) include photographs, sketches, plans, and proposals for murals and art installations that Beckmann designed or painted in the Las Vegas, Nevada area. The collection also includes correspondence, awards, and promotional materials for art exhibitions featuring Beckmann and other artists.
Archival Collection