Plans, sections, and details for the construction of the Circus Circus casino from 1968. Includes general notes. Printed on parchment.
Site Name: Circus Circus Las Vegas
Address: 2880 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Stairs sections and details for the construction of the Circus Circus casino from 1968. Printed on parchment.
Site Name: Circus Circus Las Vegas
Address: 2880 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Stairs and ramp details for the construction of the Circus Circus casino from 1968. Printed on parchment.
Site Name: Circus Circus Las Vegas
Address: 2880 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Toilets plan and elevations for the construction of the Circus Circus casino from 1968. Printed on parchment.
Site Name: Circus Circus Las Vegas
Address: 2880 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Toilets plan, elevations and details for the construction of the Circus Circus casino from 1968. Includes general notes. Printed on parchment.
Site Name: Circus Circus Las Vegas
Address: 2880 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Architectural plans for the phase VI sixth tower addition of the Oregon building to the Flamingo in 1993. Printed on drawing: "Oregon Building Exterior As built 1993 - For Bugsy's Memorial." Printed on mylar.
Site Name: Flamingo Hotel and Casino
Address: 3555 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Architectural plans for the addition of a tower to the Flamingo in 1976. Printed on mylar. Socoloske, Zelner and Associates, structural engineers; Harold L. Epstein and Associates, structural engineers; Bennett/Tepper, mechanical engineers; J. L. Cusick and Associates, electrical engineers.
Site Name: Flamingo Hotel and Casino
Address: 3555 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Index to architectural drawings, addition of a tower, Flamingo Hilton, 1976. Socoloske, Zelner and Associates, structural engineers; Harold L. Epstein and Associates, structural engineers; Bennett/Tepper, mechanical engineers; J. L. Cusick and Associates, electrical engineers.
Site Name: Flamingo Hotel and Casino
Address: 3555 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Architectural plans for the addition of a tower's first floor to the Flamingo in 1976; printed on mylar;
Site Name: Flamingo Hotel and Casino
Address: 3555 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Architectural plans for the addition of a tower to the Flamingo in 1976. Pencil drawing of the west elevation on parchment. Socoloske, Zelner and Associates, structural engineers; Harold L. Epstein and Associates, structural engineers; Bennett/Tepper, mechanical engineers; J. L. Cusick and Associates, electrical engineers.
Site Name: Flamingo Hotel and Casino
Address: 3555 Las Vegas Boulevard South