Plot plan for the construction of the Circus Circus casino from 1968. Includes concrete and concrete asphalt notes. Printed on parchment.
Site Name: Circus Circus Las Vegas
Address: 2880 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Site details for the construction of the Circus Circus casino from 1968. Printed on parchment.
Site Name: Circus Circus Las Vegas
Address: 2880 Las Vegas Boulevard South
First floor plans for the construction of the Circus Circus casino from 1968. Includes general notes. Printed on parchment.
Site Name: Circus Circus Las Vegas
Address: 2880 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Second floor plans for the construction of the Circus Circus casino from 1968. Printed on parchment.
Site Name: Circus Circus Las Vegas
Address: 2880 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Attic plans for the construction of the Circus Circus casino from 1968. Printed on parchment.
Site Name: Circus Circus Las Vegas
Address: 2880 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Roof plans for the construction of the Circus Circus casino from 1968. Printed on parchment.
Site Name: Circus Circus Las Vegas
Address: 2880 Las Vegas Boulevard South
External elevations for the construction of the Circus Circus casino from 1968. Includes key plan and roof covering notes. Printed on parchment.
Site Name: Circus Circus Las Vegas
Address: 2880 Las Vegas Boulevard South
External elevations for the construction of the Circus Circus casino from 1968. Printed on parchment.
Site Name: Circus Circus Las Vegas
Address: 2880 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Sections and details for the construction of the Circus Circus casino from 1968. Printed on parchment.
Site Name: Circus Circus Las Vegas
Address: 2880 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Sections for the construction of the Circus Circus casino from 1968. Printed on parchment.
Site Name: Circus Circus Las Vegas
Address: 2880 Las Vegas Boulevard South