Aerial view of Las Vegas
Indian school, irrigation pond on Wilson Ranch.
Irrigation school at Wilson Ranch, 30 miles from Las Vegas.
Artesian well located approximately 4 (four) miles from Las Vegas, on a ranch. Water was used for irrigation.
Transcribed Notes: Handwritten on back of postcard: "March 6, 1920 This is a well 4 miles from Las Vegas. the valve could be opened wide but it is regulated to let out just enough water for irrigating this is the best well in valley. sure some pressure they first drill down and case the hole and have a gusher water well. the man that owns this ranch has one of the finest in this sections Mr. Russell from Ohio."
Artesian well located approximately 4 (four) miles from Las Vegas, on a ranch. Water was used for irrigation.
Artesian well located approximately 4 (four) miles from Las Vegas, on a ranch. Water was used for irrigation.
Transcribed Notes: Handwritten on back of postcard: "March 6, 1920 This is a well 4 miles from Las Vegas. the valve could be opened wide but it is regulated to let out just enough water for irrigating this is the best well in valley. sure some pressure they first drill down and case the hole and have a gusher water well. the man that owns this ranch has one of the finest in this sections Mr. Russell from Ohio."
Aerial view looking south of Frenchman Mountain and the east side of Las Vegas Valley. Lake Mead can be seen in the distance.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from handwritten text on back of photo: "Frenchman Mt. Airview SE"
Aerial view of Frenchman Mountain and a little of the Las Vegas Wash area. Lake Mead can barely be seen in the distance.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from handwritten notes on back: "View NE Frenchman Mt left of center"
Aerial view of the head of Lake Mead, the outlet of the Grand Canyon. Printed in lower left corner: 3A0, 306 Head of Lake Mead 11-29-48. Clock face visible in lower right corner of photograph.
Aerial view of Las Vegas Wash as it leaves the Las Vegas Valley.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from handwritten notes on back: "Las Vegas Wash, lower left toward upper right. Beyond, at left, pinnacles & ''Lava'' Butte"