The Las Vegas, Nevada Anti-Gay Counter-Protest Collection (2001) documents the counter-protests against supporters of Reverend Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church at their anti-homosexual demonstrations. The counter-protests were held at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus and the Liberace Museum on March 10, 2001. Materials in this collection included a typed excerpt from the journal of Dennis McBride recounting his experiences on the day of the protest. Also included are photographic prints of counter-protestor Joshua Dart at the demonstration, a poster from the demonstration, correspondence between McBride and Dart, and an issue of the
Archival Collection
Gay Pride at Sunset Park, 1998. Photographer: Dennis McBride. L-R: Kevin Cottrell; Ephraim Ramay; Rob Schlegel.
From the Las Vegas Bugle Photograph Collection on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History (PH-00336). Las vegas Gay Pride Festival - June 5, 1994. Images including Kenny Kerr, Las Vegas Mayor Jan Jones, Ann Occhi. Some ID's on back of photos;
Three audio clips from an interview with Hazel Gay conducted by Claytee D. White on December 2, 1995. Hazel and her husband Jimmy Gay moved to Las Vegas in 1946, becoming leaders in the African American community during the civil rights era. In the clips, Gay recalls the Moulin Rouge from her perspective as manager of the dress shop.
Archival Component