The Nevada State Prison, Parole, and Probation Reports (1901-1988) contains reports about the Nevada State Prison system and the Nevada Department of Parole and Probation.
East and south exterior elevations of Performing Arts Center (later to become the Judy Bayley Theatre), University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0". "Drawn by J.A.L. Checked by O.D.S. Job no. 720. Date 7-31-74." "Sheet A-7 of 28." Site Name: University of Nevada, Las Vegas Address: 4505 S. Maryland Parkway
West and north exterior elevations of Performing Arts Center (later to become the Judy Bayley Theatre), University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0". "Sheet A-8 of 28." "Drawn by J.A.L. Checked by O.D.S. Job no. 720. Date 7-31-74." Site Name: University of Nevada, Las Vegas Address: 4505 S. Maryland Parkway