Grouping of 4 photos from an envelope at the end of the album; showing children in a body of water (a river?), two women standing together outdoors, another view of children in the water, and a woman with a lamb that reads "Martha had a lamb." Envelope titled "Selma Morrison/ See source title."
Unmounted greeting card inside album with State Championship Football ticket inside. The birthday card is to Selma from "Mother Morrison" and the football ticket is for Lovelock High School vs. Las Vegas High School on Sunday, December 6 (year unknown) at 1:45 p.m.
28.1 20 paints the "N"; 28.2 '29-'30 Tug of War.; 28.3 People at the "N" ca. 1928; 28.4 Mackay statue/at UNR/; 28.5 '28 at the "N"; 28.6 '29 takes the water. Tug of war contest.; 28.7 Unidentified woman and Juanita holding up sausages.
31.1 The Rio Colorado in Yuma, Arizona.; 31.2 Work and Beddome.; 31.3 Above the dam site.; 31.4 Phelps. Back water from the Gila and Colorado River. (MISSING); 31.5 Seven unidentified men standing near a car.
32.1 Photo identifies men as: RGM, Stock, Heimer, Schuyler, Beddome, Work, Herbert, Clark; 32.2 Beddome. At the Rio Colorado showing old and new bridges.; 32.3 Eight unidentified men standing in a row.; 32.4 Office force-1926. Yuma, Arizona.; 32.5 Same gang. Seven unidentified men.
33.1 The 3612 goes against the table.; 33.2 Photo of the 3612.; 33.3 When they were 3700's and new. A train engine.; 33.4 (Railroad yards?) backshop, Las Vegas; 33.5 Unidentified woman.; 33.6 Photo of the 3717 train engine.
34.1 Train yard.; 34.2 Train yard.; 34.3 The old motor for Moapa Branch.; 34.4 "My first ride in this." Photo of an airplane.; 34.5 T.L.R. 1-27-24.; 34.6 Trains for pit.
35.1 Three unidentified people.; 35.2 Photo labeled "New House", "Carlin".; 35.3 The Statue of Liberty, 6-1926; 35.4 Carlin 9-??-26.; 35.5 Three unidentified people with horses, 9-??-26.; 35.6 Western and Pacific and Fruit Express pump houses on the Humbolt.
36.1 Don and Eva.; 36.2 A photo of the desert.; 36.3 The swimming hole.; 36.4 Five unidentified men playing ball.; 36.5 Clark County High School in 1921.; 36.6 Punt formation [illegible text written on photo]