Relief shown by contours. Includes township and range lines. Scale 1:96,000 (W 115°30´--W 114°45´/N 36°30´--N 36°00´). Series: Water-supply paper (Washington, D.C.)
1780. Originally published as plate 3 of Available water supply of the Las Vegas ground-water basin, Nevada, by Glenn T. Malmberg, published by the Geological Survey in 1965 as its Water-supply paper 1780.
Relief shown by contours. Includes township and range lines. Scale 1:96,000 (W 115°30´--W 114°45´/N 36°30´--N 36°00´). Series: Water-supply paper (Washington, D.C.)
1780. Originally published as plate 4 of Available water supply of the Las Vegas ground-water basin, Nevada, by Glenn T. Malmberg, published by the Geological Survey in 1965 as its Water-supply paper 1780.
Archival Component
Archival Component
From the Nye County, Nevada Photograph Collection (PH-00221) -- Series VII. Other areas in Nye County -- Subseries VII.I. Wilson Family (Toiyabe Mountains, Nevada). The canvas covered structure was a darkened area for sorting scheelite with a black light during daylight hours.
From the Nye County, Nevada Photograph Collection (PH-00221) -- Series V. Smoky Valley, Nevada and Round Mountain, Nevada -- Subseries V.C. Lofthouse-Berg Families (Round Mountain). Written on the back of the image: “With some of my drilling crews, I’m second from the right at the collar of the New Gold Mine, the Porphyry Gold Mine shaft in 1936-37.” Individuals are unidentified except for the man second from the right, who may be Steve Dittman.