Black and white image showing a view north of Birch Street, as seen from the Nevada Highway in Boulder City. The Six Companies, Inc. clubhouse, commissary and executives lodge are visible.
Shows right of way of what now is Interstate 95 through what is now Clark County, Nevada. 'Aug. 10, 1905.' 'Adopted as toll road of Nevada Rapid Transit Company at meeting of Board of Directors of said company Aug. 25th, 1905. Attest W.H. Comstock, secretary, J. Ross Clark, president.' 'Book I, page 3'--Lower right corner. '... No. ... Recorded at ... [signed] J. Ross Clark ... September 1st A.D. 1905 at 40 ... past 8 A.M. to Book of Platts, Pages ... Lincoln Co. Nev. Record ... [signed] Henry Lee ...'--upper right portion of map. Seal of the Nevada Rapid Transit Company in lower left portion of map. Scale [ca. 126,720]. 1 in.=2 miles 1 map. Blueline print.
'Prepared by Nevada State Highway Department, Planning Survey Division, in cooperation with U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.' 'Copyright Nevada State Highway Department.' 'Transverse mercator projection. Mount Diablo base and meridian. 50,000 meter universal transverse mercator grid zone 11.' Insets of Reno-Sparks area, Las Vegas area, Lake Tahoe area. 29-H53/21:N41-1975.
The Nevada Wildlife Federation Records (1989-1997) consist of pamphlets, newsletters, periodic meeting minutes, and a copy of the bylaws of the Nevada Wildlife Federation.
The State of Nevada Educational Directories, Bulletins, and Certification Requirements (1934-1991) contain bi-monthly bulletins, yearly directories, information to certify teachers, and retirement salaries.
From the Dennis McBride Collection on LGBTQ Las Vegas, Nevada (MS-00802) -- Alphabetical research files -- AIDS: Organizations: Aid for AIDS of Nevada (AFAN) file.
Scale 1:1,000,000 (W 120°--W 114°/N 42°--N 35°). Title in upper right margin: Earthquake epicenter map ; "Nevada earthquake epicenters for the period from about 1852 to 1961 are plotted on the accompanying map." ; "Contour interval 1,000 feet." ; "Supported by grant no. AF-AFOSR-62-285 of the Air Force of Scientific Research." ; "December 1964." ; "Base from NBM Map 17." ; "One million scale set." ; Includes bibliographical references ; Includes text and index. Nevada Bureau of Mines, University of Nevada
The Nevada Mining Photograph Collection depicts mining activities, miners, and mining towns in Nevada from 1868 to 1937. The photographs primarily depict the towns of Tonopah, Nevada and Goldfield, Nevada, including mills, buildings, mine shafts, and panoramic views of the landscape. The photographs also depict Beatty, Lost City, Delamar, Candelaria, Winnemucca, Virginia City, Rhyolite, Elko, and Reno, Nevada. The photographs also include portraits of early settlers in Nevada, Native Americans, children, parades, celebrations, and funerals.