The interior of Frank Romero's restaurant located at 122 S. First Street. Behind the counter L-R: waitress Eddie Esparza, Frank Romero, owner, and an unidentified man. The man seated at the counter wearing a hat was a regular customer known as "Shorty." A calendar in the background is advertising Quality Bakery, and the page visible is April, 1932. The woman is also pictured in pho020013 (Image ID: 0052 0003). Site Name: Frank's Cafe (Las Vegas, Nev.) Street Address: 122 South Fir Street
Children and mother sitting at the base of a tree. "Pictured L-R: Gloria Rivero, Cousin; Raymond (in back of Gloria); their dog "Salt Lake" (followed Alicia everywhere); Robert Rivero; Celia Rivero; Margarita Rivero, Mother. Site of Mint Hotel." The Mint Hotel and Casino opened in 1957, and was located at 100 Fremont Street. In 1988, The Mint was sold and became part of Binion's Horseshoe.
Black and white image with the following printed description detailing the list of boat passengers in the picture: Jay Porter, Boulder City, in his Express Cruiser escorts the Nevills Expedition into Pierce Perry, Arizona, at the headwaters of Lake Mead. Left to right in the "Joan" are: Mrs. Otis Marston, Berkeley, Calif., Joe Desloge, Jr., St. Louis, Missouri, at the oars, and Dr. Otis Marston, Berkeley, Calif.; in the "Sandra" are: Anne Desloge, St. Louis, Missouri, Garth Marston, Berkeley, Calif., at the oars and Zoe Desloge, St. Louis, Missouri; in the "Mexican Hat" are: Joe Desloge, St. Louis, Missouri, Kent Frost, boatman, and Marie Salnsfrank, St. Louis, Missouri; in the "Wen" are: Randall Henderson, Editor of Desert Magazine, El Centro, Calif., Norman Nevills at the oars and A. Milotte Wait, Disney Productions, Burbank, Calif.
Black and white image of Herbert Hoover and several others touring the Boulder Canyon Project. The following printed description accompanies the image: "President Herbert Hoover and official party in Tunnel No. 2 during inspection tour of Boulder Canyon Project. Left to right: Construction Engineer W. R. Young, Bureau of Reclamation; Mr. Ritchey , Secretary to the President; Chief Engineer R. F. Walter, Bureau of Reclamation; Mrs. Hoover; President Hoover; Mrs. Wilbur; Secretary of the Interior R. L. Wilbur; E. O. Wattis, First Vice-President, Six Companies, Inc.; F. T. Crowe, Gen. Superintendent, Six Companies , Inc." Note: Boulder Dam was officially renamed Hoover Dam in 1947.