A scene from "La Cirque," the finale of the Donn Arden show "Voici! Paris," at Frank Sennes' Moulin Rouge Club in Hollywood, California. Site Name: Moulin Rouge (Hollywood, Calif.)
Proof sheet of twelve images of one of Donn Arden's productions in Frank Sennes' Moulin Rouge Club in Hollywood, Calif. Credit for creating the image goes to Wilbur Jerger and Graphic House. Site Name: Moulin Rouge (Hollywood, Calif.)
A promotional photo of Randi Ireland from the Donn Arden production "Voici! Paris!" The show was performed in Frank Sennes' Moulin Rouge in Hollywood, California. Site Name: Moulin Rouge (Hollywood, Calif.)
Donn Arden, back to camera, leads a dance rehearsal in Paris, France. The location is also where the dancers performed in the Lido. Site Name: Lido (Cabaret: Paris, France)