Contract between the Las Vegas Land and Water Company and the railroad and the new rate the water company will pay for water. "C.D. No. 15674-1" written in ink on cover page. Also has stamps "U.P. Audit No. 74531" and "LVL&WCo Audit No. 10567." Law dept. copy, approved by E.E. Bennett October 10, 1950.
The Fred and Maurine Wilson Photograph Collection depicts the Wilson Family, events, and locations in Las Vegas, Nevada and the Southwestern United States from approximately 1860 to 1990. The photographs primarily depict early Las Vegas, including the Mormon Fort and Kiel Ranch; mines, towns, and railroads in Southern Nevada; the construction and planning of the Hoover (Boulder) Dam on the Colorado River; and the Wilson Family. The photographs also include prominent Las Vegas families such as the Park Family, aerial photographs of the city, landmarks on Fremont Street and downtown Las Vegas, and desert landscapes.
Oral history interview with Dan Bennett conducted by Guy Pence on October 03, 1972 for the Ralph Roske Oral History Project on Early Las Vegas. During this interview Bennett talks about the visits from presidents and other important people to the Las Vegas, Nevada area and discusses the 1942 plane crash of Carole Lombard’s plane. He also mentions Boulder Dam and describes the economic, social and environmental changes that have taken place in Southern Nevada over the years.
Aerial view of Las Vegas and Union Pacific Railroad yards.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from back of photo: "[Identified by Dave Coons as LV Valley w/UPRR yards in Foreground. Late 1920s?] [Kim Geary - Roberts IDs ca 1931. EP 6-21-84]."