Oral history interview with Henry Schutte conducted by an unknown collector on an unknown date in approximately the 1980s for the Ralph Roske Oral History Project on Early Las Vegas. In this interview, Schutte discusses working on trains since childhood and explains the type of maintenance he performed. Schutte then describes his career at the Young Electric Sign Company (YESCO).
Paper from notepad listing the number of gallons of water used in 1935 by the water company and the railroad. Information is provided by Johnson, Office Engineer. Typed telephone message from Mr. Johnson, Office Engineer.
Charles Malkowski interviews Ralph Daly (born in Texas in 1903) about his experience of moving to Las Vegas during its early growth. Daly talks specifically about Block 16 and the Arizona Club and the extent of gambling and prostitution that took place there in the early 1900s. Daly, who worked in oil fields but became paralyzed due to an injury, also talks about moving to Las Vegas to make his living on gambling after becoming disabled. He also describes how the construction of Boulder Dam attracted many migrant workers and how, after World War II, Las Vegas attracted tourists and became more of a gambling town as more casinos were built and worldwide advertising for those casinos started. Daly also discusses the end of prostitution in Las Vegas, certain famous gamblers he met, and the forms of cooling used before air conditioning was introduced.