The Arthur Walker Gregory Photograph Collection, approximately 1900 to 1920, consists of black-and-white photographic prints, and two corresponding negatives. Two of the images depict the first train to arrive in Las Vegas, Nevada from Salt Lake City, Utah in 1905, one with railroad employees in the foreground. The remaining images depict Arthur Walker Gregory’s class photographs at the Las Vegas Grammar School when he was in the first, third, and fifth grades.
From the UNLV University Libraries Photographs of the Development of the Las Vegas Valley, Nevada (PH-00394). Part of the collection documents the entire 19 mile length of the north/south Eastern Avenue / Civic Center Drive alignment. This photograph was captured in the section of Civic Center Drive between Alexander Road and Cheyenne Avenue.
From the UNLV University Libraries Photographs of the Development of the Las Vegas Valley, Nevada (PH-00394). Part of the collection documents the entire 19 mile length of the north/south Eastern Avenue / Civic Center Drive alignment. This photograph was captured in the section of Civic Center Drive between Alexander Road and Cheyenne Avenue.
From the UNLV University Libraries Photographs of the Development of the Las Vegas Valley, Nevada (PH-00394). Part of the collection documents the entire 19 mile length of the north/south Eastern Avenue / Civic Center Drive alignment. This photograph was captured in the section of Eastern Avenue between Sunset and Warm Springs Roads.
Aerial view looking northwest from the extreme southeast corner of the Las Vegas Valley, showing the Basic Magnesium plant, Whitney Mesa, Las Vegas, and the Spring Mountains.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from front of photo: "McNeil construction Co. Magnesium plant, Las Vegas, Nevada, 12-30-41" Transcribed from photo sleeve: "Air view looking northwest showing terminal reservoir site (left center) plant site (upper center) temporary boarding camp (right center), BMI, 12-30-41"
The J. Ross Clark Photograph Collection (approximately 1900-1920) consists of black-and-white photographic prints and some corresponding negatives. Images depict J. Ross Clark, his wife Miriam Evans Clark, their grandson James Ross Clark II, and several unidentified individuals.
From the UNLV University Libraries Photographs of the Development of the Las Vegas Valley, Nevada (PH-00394). Part of the collection documents the entire 19 mile length of the north/south Eastern Avenue / Civic Center Drive alignment. This photograph was captured in the section of Civic Center Drive between Alexander Road and Cheyenne Avenue.
Oral history interview with Jeff McColl Sr. conducted by Dennis L. Weigang on March 09, 1976 for the Ralph Roske Oral History Project on Early Las Vegas. In the interview, McColl discusses his early life moving back and forth between California, Nevada, and Texas before settling in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1925. McColl also discusses his work as a locomotive engineer for the Union Pacific Railroad Company, life in Las Vegas during the late 1920s and 1930s, and industrial and urban growth in Las Vegas.
From the UNLV University Libraries Photographs of the Development of the Las Vegas Valley, Nevada (PH-00394). Part of the collection documents the entire 19 mile length of the north/south Eastern Avenue / Civic Center Drive alignment. This photograph was captured in the section of Eastern Avenue between Sunset and Warm Springs Roads.
The Albert C. Phillips Photograph Collection is comprised of sixteen black-and-white photographic reprints and four photographic negatives depicting buildings in Caliente, Nevada which were originally taken between 1900 to 1967 and reproduced in approximately 1999 to 2005.