A postcard illustrating a gambling scene where one gambler is roughing up the table while the other gamblers smoke and look surprised. The caption reads, "Raising the Ante".
A postcard illustrating three men playing poker. The man on the left is passing a card to the man on the right using his toes while the man in the middle yells and gets angry. The title reads: "De viert' Bur!"
A postcard illustrating a man playing poker while holding a woman's hand with the caption, "If I'd Have Held This Hand Ten Years Ago-I'd Have A------'Full House' Now!" Inscription on back.
Postcards with Gambling Scenes. A postcard illustrating Michelangelo da Caravaggio playing poker with Der Falschspieler on the front. The back shows intricate typography in German.
A postcard illustrating young men sitting on the floor playing poker with the title, "A Sunday School Class in the West". The caption on back reads, "This is a jolly group old time Cowboy friends. Sunday is a time of visiting on the western ranches, and the 'latch string' is always out for the strangers. These fellows are not disturbers of the peace as might be inferred from the photograph".