The Midget "Braves"Little League baseball team, North Las Vegas, July 10, 1975. The jerseys say Shitakis Bene. Front row, left to right: Greg Sugmiller[?], Prentis Buford, James Dixon, Roosevelt Jackson, Wayne Funderbark[?], Randy Jackson, Jeffrey Marshall, Dion Ned, Lewis Buford (bat boy). Back row, left to right: Coach Jimmy L. Brimmer, Kenny Williams, Darryl Franklin, John Rhodes, Darren Barnes, Allen Cauble[?], Coach James H. Smith.
The Pee Wee "Giants" Little League baseball team, North Las Vegas, Nevada, July 28, 1975. Front row, left to right: Loren Wolfe, Norman Medina, Richard Seech, Randall Seech, Mark Leake. Second row, left to right: Roger Norton, Jimmy Jungblut, Brian [Guellar], Steve Pervis. Third row, left to right: Max Odell, Donny Grimes, Joey Wittle, Brian [Hawley]. Fourth row, left to right: Coach Dale Pervis, Coach Walt Jungblut, Coach Richard Jasso.
The Midget "Wolverines" Little League baseball team, North Las Vegas, Nevada, July 16, 1975. First row, left to right: Bobby Badgett, Jeff [Havin], Mario Martinez, Flavio Villeda, Rodney Brodway. Second row, left to right: Damon [Sinyard], Brian Bain, John Garcia, Donnie Mojado, Renzo [Cassilas]. Back row, left to right: Coach Dan Mojado, Ricky Green, Max Martinez, Vincent Zuniga, Coach Carolyn Mojado.
The "Tigers" Little League baseball team, North Las Vegas, Nevada, July 18, 1975. Front row, left to right: Lennett Namelly[?], John Randolph, Ricky Carson, Phillip Collins, Darryl Jamerson[?]. Second row, left to right: Micahel Gommage, Larry Sanders, Reggie Scott, Road[?] Williams, Charlies Silas Jr. Back row, left to right: Coach Green, Darryl Simmons, Alvin Butler, Charlie Smith Jr., Coach Ernie Lathon[?]
North Las Vegas Emblem Club members and North Las Vegas Mayor Ray Daines, center, posing with a proclamation for National Emblem Week in Las Vegas, Nevada.
New officers of North Las Vegas Jaycees installed in Las Vegas, Nevada. From left to right, the people pictured include: Art Thom, President; Dan Jones, Treasurer; Tom Sawyer, Director; Al Garroway, secretary; Richard Sweeney, second Vice President; John Cuda, past President; and Jerry Pruitt, first Vice President.