Identification given with photograph: "Squires family reunion at the C. C. Boyer home in Carson City. Front row: Mrs. Herbert A. Squires, with Kathleen (daughter of John Doherty); Mrs. C. C. (Florence Squires) Boyer, with Charla, daughter of Charles Doherty; Mrs. John H. Doherty with daughter, Susan; Mrs. Charles P. Squires."
An image of the Culver City Boy Scouts with Police Chief Truschel in Boulder City. Transcribed from bottom border of image: "Copr. 1935, Paramount Productions, Inc. Permission granted for Newspaper and Magazine reproductions. (Made in U.S.A.)."
Written on the slide: "R.F. Heizer, Vance Haynes, Walt Stein, John Mowby, J.D. Clark, Bill Twitchell, Dick Shutler, Roger Morrison. After discovery of first flake. Site #1 (flake site)."