Letter home from Earle. He arrived in Goldfield. The letter touches upon his trip, his first impressions, he speaks of women, dust, elevation, his new job at MacMaster & MacMaster, costs of living, wages, and a fight in the city, there is a particularly interesting paragraph about Goldfield being lively and the amounts of money changing hands.
Inscription on front reads: Welch & Tune Photo Goldfield Goldfield Nev Main St. Pioneer Nev. Per patron comment, the second business from the left is the Vienna Bakery Cafe, and a fire started there on May 7, 1909 that burned down all of the businesses in that row. Patron also noted that the sign on the back of the car reads "Alkali Bill's Auto Line," and this was a company that provided transportation from the Bullfrog Goldfield Railroad depot in Springfield to Pioneer.