North Las Vegas golf course with Parks and Recreation Building and city water tanks.
Transcribed Notes: Notes from photo sleeve: "North Las Vegas Golf Course (Par 3) with Parks and Recreation Building and city water storage tanks"; Notes on back: "NLV Par 3 Golf Course with P & R Bldg. and city water storage tanks."
Flood channel with water running high under North Las Vegas Boulevard. Signs on front for 91 and 93 freeways
Transcribed Notes: Notes from photo sleeve: "Las Vegas Boulevard North and North Las Vegas flood channel, ca. 1970s." Notes on back: "Las Vegas Blvd North and NLV flood channel."
Flood control channel crossing I-15 and Civic Center Drive, Bullock's Feed and Tack store nearby.
Transcribed Notes: Notes from photo sleeve: "Aerial photo: Looking southeast. North Las Vegas flood control channel crosses I-15 and Civic Center Drive with Bulloch's Feed and Tack store next to channel. June 5, 1973." Stamped on back: "CNLV Engineering Dept." Notes on back: "Looking SE NLV Flood Control channel crosses I-15 and Civic Center Drive with Bullocks Feed and Tack store next to channel"
Aerial view of Las Vegas Wash at Lake Mead Blvd. and Pecos Street in North Las Vegas.
Transcribed Notes: Stamped & written on back: CNLV Engineering Dept. - Date Jun 5 1973; Project - Land use Vegas Wash - SE; Lake Mead & Pecos Flood Control in county
Flooding on Carey Avenue, North Las Vegas.
Transcribed Notes: Notes on back: "Carey Ave Flooding"
Aerial view of Las Vegas Blvd. and Nellis Blvd looking north.
Transcribed Notes: Handwritten on back: "LV Blvd & Nellis Blvd looking north" Stamped on back: CNLV Engineering Dept"
Rockwell Family and two cars at Black Canyon.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from back of photo: "Black Canyon; Abe (Uncle from the East), Leon & Bessie & Earl"
Ferry that carried cars and people across the Colorado River to the Arizona highway
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from back of photo: "The ferry which takes cars across to the Arizona highway. It is run by cables. This was taken about 1926 - or maybe 1928. I'm not sure which. The motor was a Jim Cashman truck motor."
The porte-cochère and front entrance of the Sands in 1954
Site Name: Sands Hotel
Address: 3355 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Architect's proposal for the façade and porte-cochère of the Sands Hotel.
Site Name: Sands Hotel
Address: 3355 Las Vegas Boulevard South