North Las Vegas golf course with Parks and Recreation Building and city water tanks.
Transcribed Notes: Notes from photo sleeve: "North Las Vegas Golf Course (Par 3) with Parks and Recreation Building and city water storage tanks"; Notes on back: "NLV Par 3 Golf Course with P & R Bldg. and city water storage tanks."
Flood channel with water running high under North Las Vegas Boulevard. Signs on front for 91 and 93 freeways
Transcribed Notes: Notes from photo sleeve: "Las Vegas Boulevard North and North Las Vegas flood channel, ca. 1970s." Notes on back: "Las Vegas Blvd North and NLV flood channel."
Night view of the Horseshoe Hotel and Casino. Stamped on original: "Jay Florian Mitchell. Photographer. 614 So. 6th DU 4-5148 Las Vegas, Nevada. Douglass Studio, Inc. 614 South Sixth. Dudley 4-5148. Las Vegas, Nevada."
Site Name: Horseshoe Club
Address: 128 East Fremont Street
From the Nye County, Nevada Photograph Collection (PH-00221) -- Series V. Smoky Valley, Nevada and Round Mountain, Nevada -- Subseries V.A. Carver, Carver-Duhme, and Carver-Book Families (Smoky Valley). One of the first pictures taken at Carver’s Station, Smoky Valley, Nevada, when it was originally known as Carver’s Rainbow Ranch Bar and Café. Driver of the Las Vegas-Tonopah-Reno Stage Line, which traveled through Tonopah to Winnemucca every other day, is pictured with Dick and Gary Carver.