Front, rear, left and right exterior elevations of the Cardinal residence, Las Vegas, Nevada. Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0". "Jack Knighton & James McDaniel, Architects and Planners, A.I.A." Site Name: Cardinal residence
West, south, east and north exterior elevations of the Houssels residence in Las Vegas, Nevada. "A residence for Mr. & Mrs. J. Kell Houssels, Jr., 880 Rancho Circle Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada." "Revised by James B. McDaniel, Architect." "Revised 5/15/65." "Project 65-25. Date 11-22-65." Site Name: Houssels residence
Site plan of the existing structure and additions to the Mather residence in Las Vegas, Nevada, including floor plans and details for a garage and additional bedroom. Included are the garage floor plan, drawings of the front exterior and entry elevations, and details for a skylight and the patio ceiling. "Date: 14 Oct. 1975, revisions: 15 Oct. 1975." Site Name: Mather residence Address: 2800 Cowan Circle;
Exterior elevations and cross section of an unidentified two-story office building in Las Vegas, Nevada. "A - C 13" handwritten on the right side of the plan.