Articles demonstrate attitudes and activities of women during World War including home economics, fashion, want ads. "Hooverized" recipes Herbert Hoover head of Amercan Food Administration encouraged Americans to voluntarily reduce food consumption to avoid rationing. Michelin Man
News reports of famous investores Fred Bonfils and Charles M Schwab, reports of mine and mill output figures, projections and calls for mining opportunities; .
Phil Benson in front of his office of the Southern Nevada Times Newspaper. It was a reproduction of an 1800s print shop near the old plaster mines in Arden. The paper ceased publication in September, 1992. (photo by Don Walker, 1992)
A newspaper clipping providing a french review of Les Ballets de Paques (Easter ballet) show perfomed in Monte-Carlo featuring Vassili Sulich and Colette Marchand. Included with the review is an image of Vassili Sulich dancing with a female performer.