The purchase contract for the Las Vegas Land and Water Company allows for the contract to be annulled if its bonds are not sold by December 31, 1953. This contract rescinds that deadline, allowing as much time as needed for the sale of the bonds. Agreement that all parties will ignore the provision that any party can terminate the agreement if the bonds do not sell by May 1, 1954.
Offer from the Las Vegas Valley Water District to Union Pacific Railroad Company, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Company, and Las Vegas Land and Water Company, to purchase all water production lands and facilities owned by the Union Pacific Railroad and subsidiaries. The offer was sent to the attention of Mr. William Reinhardt, Vice President.
Aerial view looking east that shows the temporary rail siding and water storage tanks south of the Basic Magnesium Inc. site.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from front of photo: "McNeil construction Co. Magnesium plant, Las Vegas, Nevada, 10-8-41"
Escrow instructions for the transfer of Las Vegas water production from the Union Pacific Railroad to the Las Vegas Valley Water District. Contract between the Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad, the Union Pacific Railroad, and the Las Vegas Land and Water Company.
Signed offer by several officers and directors of the Las Vegas Valley Water District to the Union Pacific and Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Companies and the Las Vegas Land and Water Company to purchase water production facilities and rights in Las Vegas.
Transcribed Notes: Handwritten notes on page 1: Except rooming house office & furniture
Offer from the Las Vegas Valley Water District to purchase all water production lands and facilities owned by the Union Pacific Railroad and subsidiaries
Transcribed Notes: Handwritten on page 1: including $127600(?) for Hyde Park installation and $40 000 for mis equip
Contract between Mrs. Shurtliff and the Union Pacific for the railroad to supply water (N. L. D. 2131)
Discussion of the legality of Union Pacific Railroad Company continuing to supply water to the Pacific Fruit Express Company
Discussion of the issues surrounding Union Pacific Railroad Company selling water to the Pacific Fruit Company
The ability of the railroad to resist demands to increase water production would be aided if water production facilities were solely in the possession of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company