'Johnson's California, with Utah, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, published by Johnson and Ward.' 'Entered according to Act of Congress in the Year 1864 by A.J. Johnson in the Clerks Office of the District Court of the United States for the southern district of New York.' Atlas page numbers in upper margin: 66-67. This is probably plate 67 from Johnson's New Illustrated Family Atlas, published in New York by Johnson & Ward in 1864. Shows natural features, locations of Indian tribes, proposed railroad routes, routes of explorers, trails, county boundaries and populated places ; "." ; Relief shown by hachures ; Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington ; In top margin: 66-67 ; Hand colored ; On verso: Historical and statistical view of Mexico and central America (p. 79) and Historical and statistical view of the United States, 1860 (p. 78) Scale [ca. 1:3,484,800]. 1 in. to ca. 55 miles (W 124°--W 102°/N 42°--N 32°)
'Las Vegas Land and Water Company, Exhibit A.' 'Office of Vice President, Los Angeles, Califormia. January 31, 1951.' Accompanies document: "N"L.D. 2454 (text of lease of the Las Vegas Ranch) (Box 11 Folder W18-1-12). Scale: 1" = 600'.
Subtitle: 'Embracing the N. 1/2 of S.W. 1/4 Sec. 27 Township 20S. R.61E. Mt. Diablo Meridian.' 'Book 1, page 17A" handwritten in lower right corner. Signed by Henry Lee, County Recorder, Lincoln County Nevada. 'Filed at request of J.T. Williams, January 13th A.D. 1905.' Backwards handwriting on right side. Map has a Lincoln County seal on the bottom near the center. In the dedication J.T. McWilliams states that he has surveyed and platted the townsite of Las Vegas subject to the right of way of the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Company. He signed the dedication on Jan. 13, 1905, and it was signed by witnesses Scale [ca. 1:2,520? 1 inch to approx. 210 feet?]. Copy of a blueline print.
Map shows deed number and date of deed for some public properties and location and composition of water pipelines. '1-2-31' handwritten in upper right corner. Cadastral maps. Plat map with sepia tone..
'Office of Vice President, Los Angeles, California.' 'Dwg. F-225.' Relief shown by contours. Hand-drawn red line marks portion of ranch property owned by Land Company. Scale [ca. 1:7,200]. 1 in.=600 feet. Blueline.
Relief shown by landform drawings and spot heights. Oblique perspective map. Library's copy is missing lower left corner and piece in upper margin near left corner
'Las Vegas Land and Water Company.' 'Office of Vice President, Los Angeles, California, August 10, 1943.' Relief shown by contours. Cadastral map. Scale [ca. 1:7,200]. 1 in.=600 feet..
'October 2, 1952.' Relief shown by contours. Hand-drawn lines mark land leased to these people, land proposed to be withdrawn from lease, and easement for a sewer. Scale [ca. 1:7,200]. 1 in.=600 feet. Blueline.