Documentary-style video by the Hank Greenspun School of Communication on the life of Hank Greenspun with first-person accounts by the Greenspun family, interviews with acquaintances, and historic footage and clippings from the Las Vegas Sun.
Part of an interview with Irwin Molasky, April 23, 2014. In this clip, Molasky describes constructing his first property in Las Vegas: a motel called the Pyramids on the Las Vegas Strip. He then talks about the sanitation district as the reason that the city could not annex the county into its borders, and the related issues of a growing city.
Part of an interview with Elliot Karp on December 17, 2014. In this clip, Karp talks about his vision of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas as a tent under which all Jewish people can find a place to thrive.
Part of an interview with Mimi Katz on December 10, 2014. In this clip, Katz talks about living in Las Vegas, and tells an anecdote about her mother traveling with kosher meat when she came to visit.
Part of an interview with Jon Sparer, March 4, 2015. In this clip, architect Jon Sparer discusses his involvement with designing and building the synagogue for Congregation Ner Tamid.