Kol Ari El, The Lion's Voice newsletters from Adat Ari El Synagogue, 2000. The monthly newsletters include columns from the Rabbi, general interest information, announcements and birthday listings and yahrzeits.
Adele Baratz discusses her history, her family, moving to Las Vegas when she was young, the early Las Vegas community, and the Las Vegas Jewish community.
Muriel Stevens discusses her early life in Las Vegas, including her experience as a Jewish woman and as a former newspaper columnist, author, chef, and radio and television host.
Lee Schreiber and Adelaide Robbins discuss their early lives in Las Vegas, including their experiences as a Jewish women, musicians, and social activists in Southern Nevada.
Gertrude Rudiak and her daughter Geri Rentchler discuss their early lives in Las Vegas, including their experiences as a Jewish women and social activists in Southern Nevada.