Bell Family Scrapbook scanning, Set 4, proofed 11.04.2010 Cowboys at the ranch branding a calf at Walking Box Ranch. Rex Bell (George Francis Beldam) is in the dark shirt. Note the brand being used is the Walking Box Ranch brand. Horses in the background
Bell Family Scrapbook scanning, Set 4, proofed 11.04.2010 Cowboys at the ranch branding a calf at Walking Box Ranch. Rex Bell (George Francis Beldam) is in the dark shirt. Horses, cattle and buildings in the background
Bell Family Scrapbook scanning, Set 4, proofed 11.04.2010 Cowboys herding cattle at Walking Box Ranch. Rex Bell (George Francis Beldam) is in the dark shirt
Bell Family Scrapbook scanning, Set 4, proofed 11.04.2010. Herd of horses in the Mojave Desert, exact location unknown. Several cowboys in the distance
Bell Family Scrapbook scanning, Set 4, proofed 11.04.2010. Herd of horses in the Mojave Desert, exact location unknown. Several cowboys in the distance
Bell Family Scrapbook scanning, Set 4, proofed 11.04.2010 Cowboy camp in the Mojave desert. Several cowboys are in the background, large tent in the right foreground