The grayscale view of six men standing in front of a Post Office in Boulder City, Nevada. The men include R.J. Coffey, P.J. Beut (possibly P.J. Dent), Charles A. Dobbel, Dr. Mead, R.F. Walter, J.R. Finney, W.R. Armstrong, and J (possibly J.R. Alexander.)
The grayscale view of S.L.C. Contractor S.B.D. Siegfus, Las Vegas Review Journal Al Cahlan, Beverly Hills Contractor P.S. Webb, Construction Engineer Walker Young, and Office of Engineering for the U.S. Reclamation Service John C. Page in an unidentified office building located in Boulder City, Nevada
Mrs. Edith Powell, the first woman resident of Boulder City, in Boulder City, Nevada. Mrs. Edith Powell is wearing a white dress and holding a small dog while standing in front of her wrinkled tent house.
Mrs. Edith Powell, the first woman resident of Boulder City, in Boulder City, Nevada. Mrs. Edith Powell is wearing a white dress and holding a small dog while standing in front of her wrinkled tent house.
The gray scale view of Donna May Brown and Betty Lea Brown in Boulder City, Nevada. Miss Donna Brown, four years old, and Miss Betty Brown, three years old, are wearing white jump suits and are standing in front of a truck with two unidentified men behind them.
The grayscale view of the first tent located in Clark's Las Vegas Town Site in Las Vegas, Nevada. Two unidentified men stand in front of the tent, while a white sign mounted at the top of the tent reads: "Hospital." Transcribed onto the bottom border of the image: "First Tent in Las Vegas, Nevada, 1904."
A black and white image of the Clayson and Griffith store, possibly located in early Las Vegas. A man sits in front of the opening of the building, while a white sign mounted on the top of the shop reads: "Clayson & Griffith, House Furnishings, Niners, Supplies, Burros and Saddles. New and Second Goods Bought and Sold." A white sign advertising furniture rests on the ground.
A black and white image of the completed Union Pacific Depot, possibly located in early Las Vegas. Other buildings, like a laundry shop, can be seen clustered around the building.
A black and white image of the Las Vegas Ranch. The white sign mounted on the top of the small wooden building reads: "Las Vegas Ranch; Stores, Hotel, & Post Office."