Actress Martha Vickers and her husband, actor Manuel Rojas, watch as a chef prepares a scrumptious meal. Site Name: Flamingo Hotel and Casino (Las Vegas, Nev.) Street Address: 3555 South Las Vegas Boulevard
Actress Martha Vickers and her husband, actor Manual Rojas, fishing in Lake Mead. It appears as if they caught a fish. The side of the boat reads, "Chris Craft".
Martha Vickers, center, and Manuel Rojas, left, dining at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. A chef stands far right and presents the couple with a platter full of food. Site Name: Flamingo Hotel and Casino (Las Vegas, Nev.) Street Address: 3555 South Las Vegas Boulevard
Actress Martha Vickers and husband Manuel Rojas smile as they pose outside the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Site Name: Flamingo Hotel and Casino (Las Vegas, Nev.) Street Address: 3555 South Las Vegas Boulevard
Martha Vickers and many other individuals are fishing on a charter boat in Lake Mead. On the back of the boat, it reads, "Topper" and, "Lake Mead". In the back of the boat there is a flag of the United States.
Actress Martha Vickers and husband, actor Manuel Rojas sit next to a fountain looking upwards, probably at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Site Name: Flamingo Hotel and Casino (Las Vegas, Nev.) Street Address: 3555 South Las Vegas Boulevard
A group photo including Doc Dietrich (right), Martha Vickers (center), and her husband, Manuel Rojas (next to Martha Vickers, wearing a light sports jacket, second from left) at Lake Mead.