Color image of a Franciscan brother reading (possibly scripture) at an anti-nuclear testing protest in the Nevada desert. A large wooden cross stands in the background.
Color image of protesters at an anti-nuclear testing demonstration held on Good Friday. One woman holds an object near her head while approaching a large wooden cross.
Color image of Richard Rohr, a Franciscan brother, reading (possibly scripture) at an anti-nuclear testing protest in the Nevada desert. A large wooden cross stands in the background.
Color image of protesters at an anti-nuclear testing demonstration held on Good Friday, including a possible religious service led by a Franciscan brother.
Color image of protesters at an anti-nuclear testing demonstration held on Good Friday, including a possible religious service led by a Franciscan brother.
Color image of protesters carrying signs, such as "Honk for Peace," while marching along the highway leading to the Nevada Test Site at an anti-nuclear testing demonstration held on Good Friday.