J.W. (Jerry) Sligar (1948- ) is a land surveyor with forty years of experience in Southern Nevada. He received his degree in Land Surveying from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 1967. He worked for many years with engineering and surveying companies, as well as an independent business owner. He is currently the sole proprietor of J.W. Sligar Surveying.
Charles William Aplin was born on March 30, 1887 to Amanda Jane and William Luther Aplin. He was raised in Southern California, where his father worked painting buildings. Charles first came to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1904, and then returned with his family to settle permanently in Las Vegas in 1905. Charles and his father William established a painting business that same year. Charles went to Bakersfield, California in 1910 to work in the oil industry, and it was there that he joined the Fraternal Order of Eagles in 1911.
Conrad Henry Mann was a Kansas City, Missouri civic leader and city builder, and the president of the Kansas City Chamber of Commerce from 1928 to 1933. He is responsible for numerous building and city development projects in Kansas City, Missouri.
Agnes Lynch was born as Nora Agnes Waggoner on May 5, 1910. She married Charles “Denny” Lynch Sr. in 1929 and the two later moved to Pahrump Valley, Nevada in 1976. She died September 8, 1992.
Genealogy files about "Charles D. Lynch." Accessed on January 31, 2020 on Familysearch.org.
“Charles ‘Denny’ Lynch.” Gateway Gazette. November 16, 1995. Accessed January 16, 2020. http://pah.stparchive.com/Archive/PAH/PAH11161995P21.php?tags=denny|lynch
Peggie Jean Gambarana was born in 1927 to Robert J. Kaltenborn and his wife. She worked as a real estate developer in Las Vegas, Nevada, and married Edgar Gambarana. She died in 1986 and donated her estate of $1.5 million dollars to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas James R. Dickinson Library.
Library Association, American. "News from the field." College & Research Libraries News [Online], Volume 48 Number 5 (1 May 1987). Accessed on March 6, 2020. https://crln.acrl.org/index.php/crlnews/article/view/19348/22607
Milton Norman was born in New Jersey in 1924, the son of Laura Walker and William Norman. Milton Norman married Ruth Estelle McFadden in the early 1940s; the couple had two children. Norman moved to Las Vegas, Nevada around 1959 and began working as a code enforcement officer for the City of Las Vegas. In this position he was tasked with surveying the areas known as the Westside and the newly annexed Vegas Heights for the city's planning director Don Saylor. Milton Norman died in Las Vegas, Nevada on April 11, 2009.