Black and white image of the gravel testing laboratory at the site of the former Stewart Ranch, also known as the Las Vegas Ranch. O. G. Patch stands in the foreground. Site Name: Las Vegas Ranch (Las Vegas, Nev.)
Black and white image showing an interior view of the gravel testing laboratory at the site of the former Stewart Ranch, also known as the Las Vegas Ranch. Site Name: Las Vegas Ranch (Las Vegas, Nev.)
Black and white image of H.O. Watts and others (possibly Bob Webb, Ann Helms and Barbara Russell) during an archeological excavation at Willow Beach near Lake Mohave.
Black and white image of H.O. Watts (right) and others (Bob Webb, Ann Helms and Barbara Russell) during an archeological excavation at Willow Beach near Lake Mohave.
Black and white image of the Hoover Dam powerhouse. The Young Presidents' Organization arranged a party for nearly 1,000 people that was held on the powerhouse roof of Hoover Dam. The visitors, all wearing hard hats, were the first to use this setting. Tables, chairs, barbeque pits, a bandstand, and dance floor are visible on the powerhouse roof.
Black and white image of a celebration at the Hoover Dam powerhouse. The Young Presidents' Organization arranged a party for nearly 1,000 people that was held on the roof of the powerhouse. The visitors, the first to use this setting, would all be wearing hard hats. Tables, chairs, barbeque pits, a bandstand, and dance floor are visible.