Construction of an office building on Fremont Street, west of 4th Street, in Las Vegas, Nevada. A sign outside of the site reads: "Professional Building. Desirable office for rent. Janitor service. See owner Carl Ray. Boulder Lumber & Supply Co., 406 South 2nd, Phone 324." Another sign says that wiring is by Bruce Bros.
A group of people gathered outside of the Indian Institute building in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. This photograph may have been taken during a visit to the Pine Ridge Institute by Mr. A.O. Wright, U.S. supervisor of Indian schools, between Feb. 20-22, 1902.
A group of men in 19th-century cavalry uniforms sitting on the steps of a house. Caption: "Teddy's Terrors--looks like C.P. Squires, second row, second from right (?)"
A postcard showing an unidentified man and dog sitting in a miniature covered wagon pulled by two burros. Handwritten on the postcard: "An old desert rat, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1931. Vote for Frank Waite, Sheriff." Richie's Garage and Shell service station are seen in the background.
People outside of the First State Bank of Las Vegas, on the northeast corner of First and Fremont Streets, showing the addition of other businesses and a paved sidewalk.
Two unidentified men stand outside of construction on the concrete block First State Bank in Las Vegas, on the northeast corner of First and Fremont Streets. This building replaced the wooden First State Bank of Las Vegas structure at the same site.