Poem on postcard, unknown author, that shames women who wear less clothing. Reads: "Little girl, you look so small. Don't you wear no clothes at all? Don't you wear no shimmy shirt? Don't you wear no pretty skirt? Just your corset and your hose -- Are those all your underclothes? You appear to be all feet With your dress so very tight You certainly are an awful sight. Nothing on to keep you warm. Crazy just to show your form. Little girl, you won't live long Just because you dress all wrong; Can't you wear more underclothes Than your corset and your hose?After awhile I do believe You will dress like Mother Eve."
Images of John Lucas Cadogan and Edith Corliss Giles Cadogan with their daughter, Jane Alice Cadogan. The images are dark but show silhouettes of the individuals and their dwellings.
Unidentified house and automobile. Palm trees stand in front of the building, and well-kept shrubs line the property. The car's front window has a small tent-like feature that pops out of it to create shade for the passenger.