While Las Vegas was experiencing a water shortage, the Las Vegas Land and Water Company should not protest the drilling of new wells as this might incite hostility. A water district may be formed that would be able to prevent unwise drilling.
Newspaper article about a recently completed report. Author opined that unless something drastic was done soon, water would be the limiting factor on growth in Las Vegas.
Robert Griffith had filed a protest to the water company's drilling of well #11, most likely in response to their protest to his well. Strong recommended contacting Griffith's lawyers and offering to drop their objection in return for him dropping his.
Notice from the state engineer that Robert B. Griffith and the Las Vegas Land and Water Company were both being called to a hearing to discuss their conflicting applications.
Bracken asking the city manager to require the more intelligent use of water in the Huntridge Addition city park to set a good example for residents.
Discussion of the ramifications of withdrawing the Las Vegas Land and Water Company's protest to the proposed Griffith well.