A group of men dismantling a house and loading the fruits of their labors on a truck. The waters of the rising Lake Mead are in the foreground.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from photo sleeve: "a party of salvagers are almost too late in dismantling the last of the St. Thomas residences. (c. 1942) (photo by E. Edwards)"
The tops of tamerisk trees show above the water line of Lake Mead at St. Thomas, Nevada.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from photo sleeve: "What was once the main throughfare and entrance to the prosperous little Mormon town of St. Thomas now shows only the tops of the tamarix (sic) trees which lined its irrigation ditches. (phto by E. Edwards)"
The remains of the St. Thomas school building about to disappear under the waters of Lake Mead.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from photo sleeve: "The last of a once modern high school building (St. Thomas) about to disappear forever."
The Union Pacific Railroad sends a wrecking crew into the St. Thomas area to reclaim several miles of branch line.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from photo sleeve: "Even the Union Pacific Railway hurriedly sends a wrecking crew into the area to reclaim several miles of branch line that would otherwise wind up along the lake bottom."
The remains of a house in St. Thomas being covered by water.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from photo sleeve: "Ruins of the town of St. Thomas as waters of Lake Mead rise."
Salvage crew on a raft near the ruins of a building in the town of St. Thomas as Lake Mead submerges it.
Walls of Fort Callville surrounded by the rising waters of Lake Mead.
Two men with boats exploring the walls of Fort Callville as Lake Mead submerges them.
The Ruins of Fort Callville as they are submerged by Lake Mead.
Water storage pond with pipeline in the foreground.