People standing outside of the Federal Employment agency building located in Las Vegas, Nevada. The building was moved from the reservation gate, located five miles from Boulder City, to Las Vegas, and it was here where the hiring of workers for the Hoover Dam took place.
Film stars John Gilbert and Ina Claire signing a marriage license after they were wedded in Las Vegas, Nevada May 5, 1929. The man on the left, dressed in glasses and a tie, is A. E. Cahlan, editor of the Las Vegas Evening Review Journal. Charles P. "Pop" Squires, editor of the Las Vegas Age, is in background between the newlyweds. (See newspaper citations behind the photo.)
An inside view of Laubach's Recreation Tavern, Boulder City, Nevada. The only two identified individuals in the image include Jack Laubach, far left, and Guy Edward "Whataman" Hudson, positioned in the center and behind the counter.
Jack Dempsey (fourth from the right) and his manager Gene Normile (wearing a white hat and cigar) talking with some of the Las Vegas locals in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The Town Barbecue stand after a delivery truck had crashed through the front wall in what is probably Las Vegas, Nevada. For additional information, see article in Las Vegas Evening Review Journal, November 19, 1931.
Leonard "Swede" Ohrn seated at the counter of the Town Barbecue, probably in Las Vegas, Nevada. His delivery truck crashed through the wall behind him (while he was eating) after it was struck by another car. For more information, see news article on reverse of photo board.