Note: Le Brétan is a hotel and restaurant in Paris; this inauguration dinner occurred in London during the "Exposition Française de Londres" at Earl's Court Menu insert: Wine lists Restaurant: Earl's Court Exhibition Centre Location: London, England
Note: Master: Edward Beaumont Menu insert: Toasts; Wine lists Restaurant: The Hôtel Métropole (London, England). Whitehall Rooms Location: London, England
Note: The menu does not indicate the restaurant name but the emblem (lion carrying a crown) below the flags on its front cover is part of the Hôtel Metrópole logo Restaurant: The Hôtel Métropole (London, England) Location: London, England
Note: Ball was under the high patronage of His Excellency Baron de Renzis di Montanaro, Ambassador of H. M. the King of Italy; Supper served in the Renaissance, Egyptian and Louis XV Saloons Menu insert: Music Programs; Dancing engagement cards Restaurant: The Monico Location: London, England