Local news anchors discuss plans submitted for a 1,000 room Titantic-themed hotel/casino north of Stratosphere Tower called "The Boat"; Bob Stupak not commenting until a formal announcement. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Bob Stupak Professional Papers (MS-01016) -- Professional papers -- Audiovisual material -- Digitized audiovisual clips file.
Segment opens with rendering of "Titantic" hotel/casino; cuts to Bob Stupak at podium announcing he will be "raising Titantic on the Strip" to audience just north of the Stratosphere; to include fine dining, showrooms, entertainment; plans to be over 400 feet tall, everything on a bigger scale than the original ship; concludes with Robert Goulet clip singing about the Titantic. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Bob Stupak Professional Papers (MS-01016) -- Professional papers -- Audiovisual material -- Digitized audiovisual clips file.
Video clip used at the Las Vegas Planning Commission meeting to annouce the hotel/casino; clip opens with icebergs falling into water; then various historic clips and photographs of the Titanic on screen while Robert Goulet sings a song written by Bob Stupak; ends with Titantic rising back out of the ocean. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Bob Stupak Professional Papers (MS-01016) -- Professional papers -- Audiovisual material -- Digitized audiovisual clips file.