Gold Reef, Nevada, camp's first business, October 11, 1908. There is an inscription on the back of the image: "The camp's first business, a combination saloon, restaurant, barber shop and general store, October 11, 1908. Gold Reef was located 8 miles south of Tonopah in the Gold Mountain mining district. The camp was founded after rich gold outcrops were discovered nearby, but the deposits were small and the camp had vanished by 1910. The area came to life again during the Divide boom of 1919, but was abandoned again by 1925. E.W. Smith photo." There is a date stamp: 1984.
Railroad days, Tonopah, Nevada, July 26, 1904. There is an inscription on the back of the image: "A three day carnival was held to celebrate the arrival of Tonopah's railroad. The celebration featured drilling contests and many other forms of entertainment. The Tonopah R.R. was later merged with the Goldfield R.R. to form the T. & G. R.R. which served Tonopah until 1947." There is a date stamp: 1982.
Palace Hotel, Goldfield, Nevada, September 14, 1905. There is an inscription on the back of the image: "Palace Hotel on the corner of Main and Crook, decorated for the Railroad Days celebration. Arrival of the Goldfield Railroad was a milestone in the camp's history. Later merged with the Tonopah Railroad to form the T. & G. R.R., it was the first of 4 railroads to serve Goldfield." There is a date stamp: February 1980.
Drilling contest, Tonopah, Nevada, July 4, 1903. There is an inscription on the back of the photo: "Residents watch a drilling contest on the corner of Main and Brougher. These contests, as well as races, tug-of-wars and baseball games were an important part of all early holiday celebrations." There is a date stamp: February 1980.
Several men pose outside of a tarpaulin-covered wood and tin structure near the Gold Reef Mine in Goldfield, Nevada. Signs on the front of the building say "Gold Reef," "Restaurant," "Saloon," "Groceries." Some of the men carry rifles or guns. A woman and man are behind an open service window in the front of the building. Caption: "Gold Reef. The first store. Oct. 11, 1908."